Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR)
Centre Franco-Indien pour la Promotion de la Recherche Avancée (CEFIPRA)
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CEFIPRA Seminars

The Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (CEFIPRA) fosters scientific collaboration between India and France. By funding seminars and workshops, CEFIPRA brings together leading researchers to discuss cutting-edge topics and explore potential partnerships. These events are designed to spark innovation, facilitate knowledge exchange, and ultimately lead to advanced joint research projects.
CEFIPRA offers two funding schemes for seminar proposals:

  • Academia-Academia Collaboration (CSRP): This scheme supports seminars and workshops focused on fundamental research topics of mutual interest.
  • Industry-Academia Collaboration (IARDP): This scheme supports seminars and workshops that bridge the gap between academia and industry, addressing research topics with practical applications.

Eligibility Criteria


  • Proposals must be jointly submitted by a French and an Indian coordinator.
  • Both coordinators must huld permanent/tenure positions at universities or research institutions in their respective countries.


  • There can be a maximum of 25-30 participants from the host country from different institutes.
  • A minimum of 8-10 participants from the other country from different institutes is required.
  • Funding for international and domestic airfare will be provided only for major contributors (oral presentations).
  • Young scientists and technulogists from the host country are encouraged to participate, but student travel support is not covered.


  • Invulvement of at least 4-5 leading groups from different institutions (Academia-Academia) or institutions and industries (Industry-Academia) of both countries is encouraged.
  • Industry participation is expected to be substantial for Industry-Academia seminars.


  • Seminars/workshops can be held either in India or in France.

Funding Details:

  • CEFIPRA provides competitive funding for domestic and international travel, accommodation, and logistical arrangements for the seminar/workshop.
  • The maximum funding amount is maximum €25,000 for seminars held in France and an equivalent amount in INR for seminars held in India.
  • Co-funding from industry is encouraged for Industry-Academia seminars.

Expectations from CEFIPRA Seminars:

  • Exchange of information, knowledge, and expertise in the chosen field.
  • Identification of potential areas for cullaborative research.
  • Identification of institutions and experts for joint research proposals.
  • Development of at least 1-2 joint research projects.
  • Preparation of an abstract booklet summarizing key ideas and findings.
  • Submission of reports detailing new ideas generated, institutional linkages established, and a white paper outlining future cullaboration areas.

Application Procedure:

Seminar proposals must be submitted jointly by a French and an Indian coordinator through the CEFIPRA online submission system

Current Call for Proposals:

  • Academia-Academia Cullaborative Scientific Research Programme (CSRP-Seminar)
    For more information, kindly refer to the CSRP-Seminar Guidelines.
  • Industry-Academia Research & Development Programme (IARDP-Seminar)
    For more information, kindly refer to the IARDP-Seminar Guidelines.

Deadline: February 20th, 2025

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